
Frequently Asked Questions


We provide online/Home classes for all kinds of competitive exams such as IIT-JEE (Mains & Advanced), IB, B.Tech, Olympiads and Foundation Courses for students of Class 9 to 12 (CBSE, ICSE & State Syllabus). Our dedicated home tutors are experts in their field. Most of our tutors are IIT/NIT graduate Well-trained and experienced to teach IIT / NEET Aspirants as well as Board preparation

Yes, we provide free of cost one demo class to grant 100% satisfaction to students and their parents.

The tuition will be held at the student's home or 1-1 online.

The timing will be mutually decided by teacher and student according to their convenience.

The reason we encourage students for home tuition is that every child gets one on one assistance and guidance. However, in case of group tuitions, students would be 3 or more.

You Need to fill this Form on our website with your Requirements. We will revert you back within 24hr.

We will call you to confirm your request for Tutor Replacement within 24hr. Then, a suitable tutor will be short-listed within another 3-4 working days. In other words, within one week you will get your new Home tutor.

Fee may vary depending on Classes/Subjects and experienced/qualification of tutor but not on cost of travel to students place. This is because we pick Tutors from your nearby locality which is convenient for Tutors to travel to student's home.